Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The illusion of time

Searching the web on the subject of time is disappointing. Or maybe I just haven't spent enough time on it. Newtonians think that it is a fundamental part of the structure of the Universe. Some philosophers think it doesn't exist at all and is just an abstract, and is a facet of subjective human existence. For them there is no such thing as time. These are people who are always late for meeting you because they don't believe in watches.

But there must be something in it. We obsess about it, we measure it, we manage it, we fantasize about travelling it, we claim to have too little of it or too much of it, we even say that some people have it as if it is was a dermatological condition... "Doctor my friends tell me I have too much time on my hands... can't you prescribe a cream or something?" We know it lives with Space in a monogamous relationship but we don't know the sex of either of them (although time is probably female as in the eternal woman).

Working from home today, being a little too dizzy to drive, I got a lot done (but not enough). Despite the fact that we know exactly how many there are, there are never enough hours in the day. So it was with me. I seemed to get more done later, my productivity improving as the day went on. Curious as it is usually the other way around.

Good news - The Girl Racer rang to say she got the job, a nice little earner for her hectic university lifestyle.

The blip is Top Gun, off to an early Halloween fancy dress party (five days ahead of time in fact). His Roman Centurion outfit is magnificent, but can you spot the temporal anachronism...?

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