Wet and dull again

Took Max for a very quick stroll around the block before heading off to town to meet up with the regular Saturday Morning coffee group. I've not seen most of them since before I went to India so a lot of catching up to be done!
After lunch the weather seemed to dry up a bit so I took Max to one of our favourite walking places - but it was sodden. Even the paths were waterlogged. No long walk today Max - sorry.
So we then went off to Tawstock to check flowers on friends' graves and have a short walk there. 
This is the second day I have got home with mucky shoes and dirty trousers! 
Hey Ho.....joys of dog walking.
The lovely church in Tawstock is being readied for the service tomorrow - the ladies who do the flowers were busy brightening up the inside with their excellent displays.  Looking gorgeous.

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