
By caitjob

There's poetry in an empty coke can

Lyrics to one of my all time favourite songs: Madeup love song #43 by the Guillemots. I even did an art project for GCSE based on the fact you can find beauty in everyday objects, even rubbish. It was all based off that song and I probably thought I was being quite deep. So today I saw this coke can and it reminded me of that. Also it was much bigger than normal coke cans.

Overslept so missed my lecture. Skyped my parents which was nice as hadn't chatted to them in a while. Then went with Mairead to Rueil Malmaison to have hot chocolate and spent ages discussing books before heading to La Defense. We had dinner at a really good pizza place and then went to the cinema to watch the Bachelorette with French subtitles. I kept wanting to know what things were in French so I did actually learn quite a few phrases from it.

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