Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

Happy Easter

My Aunt came to see us today.  I only see her once every couple of years, and is the only member of my family I see.

On her last visit she was horrified with my long hair: it had been shaved for years, and it was a new thing she was not happy about. 

Well, I thought if she caught sight of the new earring she'd positively pop, so thought the only way to prevent this was to wear my hair down.  So I took much abuse for the locks and got away with it :)

She is incredibly religious, and is staying with a convent of nuns in Derby for Easter.  She lives with some other nuns in Suffolk, and she told me that I am not allowed to visit until I cut my hair.  They don't even like beards on priests and they are all clean-shaven (the priests, not the nuns), and none of them would ever consider long hair!  So the earring covering was definitely the right choice.

I am not sure what they'd think of our painting then, he's only an earring short of the full bad look.

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