Looking Over My Shoulder

By GirlMick

Blippers Galore

Attended my first Blip Meet today. Met up with a group of like minded photo mad people on the hill overlooking Portsmouth at the Royal Armouries. It was really nice to meet some faces behind the names (and photo's) and I'm really pleased I went along. Will definately attend future meets - you guys are just so welcoming and friendly!

One of the things I was really pleasantly surprised by today was all the different types of camera that Blippers use. There were DSLR's, compacts, Ipad's and I even saw someone with a phone taking a picture. Looking through some of the Journals of those that attended you really can't tell who used what and it just goes to prove that you don't have to have the most expensive, top of the range camera to get the best shots. Despite the freezing cold wind we all watched the cannon being shot. Some of us tried to capture the moment of firing and from what I saw, the compacts definately won that competition!

My Blip for today is a shot in homage both to the Blip Meet and to Bond...James Bond. It's a shot of a mirror reflecting the inside of a mahoosive gun (the name of which I can't remember). It reminded me of the opening shots of the old Bond movies where the silhouette of James is at the end of the gun barrel. I'm off to see Skyfall tomorrow and can't wait.

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