Looking Over My Shoulder

By GirlMick


I have completed wasted my Sunday.

I have friends over from Kent who are running in the Great South Run. They race every year and I have never watched them. I decided that this was going to be the year that I would. I got up early and got to the train station ready to travel down to the racing area. They close all the roads off so you can't get in by car and so train is your only option. Do they lay on extra trains because of this? No. In fact they actually seem to reduce the number of train coaches available. Then there are the selfish idiots who seem incapable of moving down inside the trains so that others can get on. Then there are the people with prams...not folded up to save space. After a couple of trains had been and gone and there were still about 60 odd people on the platform - many in shorts and t-shirts so I can only assume were participants in the race - I turned around, went home and resigned myself to the fact that this probably wouldn't be the year I'd see my friends race.

It put me in a bit of Victor Meldrew mood and I haven't quite got out of it yet.

However, I thought I'd do a Pink blip for BCA. I found some bits of pink jewellery, a pink bag and a pink shopping bag. I put them all together and voila, today's Blip.

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