Come Rain or Shine

By Ceb1977

The 'Wicked' Witch

Despite being in our mid-thirties and older, us girls (of which Anita, photographed, is one!) still have a youthful spirit and the 'balls' to get fancy dressed up to the nines and hit the town to paint it red.

Tonight we were at Fagan's in Sheffield for an early Halloween Trick or Treat Games Night. There was a full coven of us - Anita, Lynne, Helen, Gill and myself - and apart from entertaining the punters with our elaborate attire and high spirits, we cruised to second place in the games rankings above the devils and other nondescript ghoulies and took home a win for the effort put into dressing up.

We had a great time and never before have we had sooo much positive attention from the opposite sex, despite the green faces, the black teeth, the sparkly eyelashes and the stripey tights!!

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