Queen of the castle

OMG - what a day! The first frost this morning then the most glorious day - clear, bright, cloudless, crisp. All jobs (cleaning filthy windows, digging weed choked beds) abandoned. Himself headed off to Cork to pick up son#1 who is arriving for a few days, and I headed off west - down to the very end. I did a circular walk, climbing up onto the ridge of the peninsula then down and then back up again. Astonishing views in every direction - the peninsula is very skinny at this point so you yet amazing 360 views. 5 Aussies were descending as I went up, then I had everything to myself. Talk about silent - just my heart beating with the exertion of getting up to the trig point. I sat here for a bit and gasped until I looked above my head and there were a column of midges. Onwards and down to a ruined hamlet and then back up again, passing an old WW II lookout post, and a ruined signal tower and the odd curious sheep. Descending I met five Irish people, teched to the max - gaiters, walking poles, maps in plastic holders. Back in the car park I was approached by two of their companions and asked if I would run them to their car as they were too knackered to walk back, having already walked 20km. The seven of them were down from Kilkenny for the weekend and my two were in charge of cooking and wanted to get in the showers first. I obliged.

A very enjoyable meal last night - delicious pizza, and the book club cake cake was unexpectedly good - phew!

Ps might be worth biggifying

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