Surprise Cinema (March)

I have given myself the same problem with Surprise Cinema that I have with Electronic Ears: I know I'm curating, I know I have criteria for what I'm playing/showing, but I simply can't verbalise what those criteria are. I find myself semi-apologising for it on the radio sometimes, feeling the need to explain why something 'qualifies'. (And, to be honest, probably the only person who cares is me.)

So far at Surprise Cinema I've shown 'Last Orders' and 'Mr Holmes' but tonight was, I felt, time for something a little more light hearted. Another British ensemble piece as it happens, this time 'Saving Grace', starring Brenda Blethyn as Grace. 

There are loads of great moments in this film but perhaps my favourite is the scatological gag that takes place at the wake for Grace's husband, who has died falling out of an aeroplane. One of the other characters, Margaret (I think), has suggested to Craig Ferguson that the late husband was looking for the toilet. Later Ferguson meets Martin Clunes in the graveyard.

Craig Ferguson: "Margaret thinks he was looking for the toilet and took the wrong door."
Martin Clunes: "I expect he went on the way down."

Whilst I think this is funny in itself, I think the reason it makes me laugh so much is that it reminds me of my late Uncle Brian; this is exactly the kind of quick thinking (and toilet related) joke that I loved him for.

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Reading: 'The Descent Of Man'

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