Sneezy and envy

Feeling sneezy today, like flu was goming. Nevertheless I had to go to work, all day teaching. Training schedule planning for a linear television channel. Two of my collagues learning fast, which made the task easier.

Nice day, atleast in the afternoon, warm +5c nd sunny. After work A short walk with Pokemons and visit into supermarket - and then the predicted rain arrived for evening. Raining cats and dogs and me taking a can of tea and nice place in the sofa corner.

My son is again having a week in woods, I bet he is fed up with the weather!

My daughter liked to stay home for few days, but her boyfriend already left to Helsinki. After long years waiting he finally got a student flat for him. Remains to be seen what future brings now as they both have flats of their own. Anyway, a 18cm2 apartmenet can be a bit small for two persons in the long run.

In the blip a handbag, which my daughter found in a second hand shop today. Paid only 10euros! A purse designed by Paola Suhonen???
Feeling a bit envy. A great bargain.


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