
By tookie

R.I.P. Pooters......

Today we had to put our beloved kitty cat Pooters down....he crossed the rainbow bridge joining so many of our other pet family members.   Even Cowboy and Sadie understood that Pooters was very ill and no longer his lively self....the chases had stopped and the three even all sat together a few times in the limited sunshine we have had....and last night Cowboy and Pooters lay together in close proximity a long time.  Pooters was a "people" kitty almost more dog like in many respects.  We got him years ago when our son was still living with us...He wanted another kitty and our friend Barbara's daughter told us about Pooters.  Her friend could no longer keep the wee kitty due to landlord restraints...Pooters had survived a severed paw as a baby and had it sewn back on.  His balance was always weird, but he was a trooper.  His downfall became a nose polyp that grew large and obstructed his breating....he was too old for safe surgery.  So this afternoon we said our goodbyes and I held him in my lap as his final journey began.  We chose an in home vet to euthanize him and it was much more comfortable for him and us.  
     I'm very far behind with us being gone to Portland since last Friday and then my friend who had a melanoma removed a couple weeks ago had to back in yesterday because it wasn't all removed so I took her in and stayed overnight.  So things here have been quite busy and , in time , back blips will emerge again.  Thanks for stopping by...I'll continue checkig in as time permits.

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