Happy Resurrection Day!

Dawn service at 5:30  It snowed on us!!! As I was driving up I wondered if the camper van would be parked up again as in previous years. There was one. A different one but none the less I wondered if they woke up with all of us arriving. I doubt very much that they would have heard us singing.....it was far too windy!
I stayed on after everyone left, and it was then that the sky started clearing. Neither of these photos are great but of all the ones I took, I liked them the best!
After I let Marianne's ducks out and Betsy in, I went home and back to bed. And I actually fell properly back to sleep!
Breakfast at church for 9:30 then the church service.
After lunch Cathie took off to visit her Gran and I went to sort out Marianne's animals again then found myself 'accidentally' driving to Hawes! Then on to Shipley for dinner with all the Longmans. :)

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