
...the color of the day! Big thanks to Anni/BikerBear for hosting FlowerFriday! (& so glad you're feeling better Anni!).
I've put the original of my abstract from yesterday into the extras.....it's a piece of birch bark that I found on one of my walks, and I added a "glowing edges" filter to it.  :))
And on a different note, typical of "Murphy's law" (that says if something is going to go wrong, it will), I haven't been sick with a cold (or anything else for that matter) for at least two or three years, not even when Jennie and Mae got terrible colds around the New Year. Well, they're both sick again and Wednesday night I developed a really bad sore throat. In spite of drinking "Throat Coat" tea, and "Echinacea Plus" tea, and loading up on airborne and zicam, I most definitely have a  bad cold! I wouldn't care that much, except I'm flying to South Carolina tomorrow for a week of "Blip Heaven" with njoyce06 and MaryElizaR. So, I've packed the pharmacy to take along, and hope it'll be a cold of short duration! :))

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