Carnage On The Flum Estate

It began after the snowfall, when we noticed tracks round the pond, suggesting a great deal of activity overnight, so set up the wildlife camera for the following night. It revealed a fox spending most of the night fishing, successful only in dragging the pump out of the pond and severing the cable. 

Last night the fox was back. We recorded a total of four frogs under attack, not directly from the pond but on their approach; none, I fear, survived - one was carried into the shrubbery, two are unaccounted for but this, # four, remained out in the open where it fell.

There was at least one frog in the pond but the saddest result is the pathetic little piles of spawn on the grass, away from the site of murderous activity, that I fear are not fertilised; I put some in the pond anyway.

I dread to think what the camera will record tonight.

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