Branching out.

I would just like to thank you all for all the wonderful comments, stars & hearts you gave me yesterday, which got me on page one of the popular page. . 
I was in the gym early this morning, and saw Des & John. John is  a Cardiff City supporter, and Des, as you know is a Swansea Jack.  Des & I were on the cross trainer, and a new lady was on the other side of me. We got chatting, and I asked her name, and introduced her to Des,  and it turns out she is a keen Swansea supporter.  I felt like the odd one out in the end, and she could talk more than Des, which is saying something!I walked home, and spotted this squirrel high up on the branch of a tree. I thought that by the time I got my camera out, he would have gone, but I think he was having a rest. I got home about an hour before J. and he had had a good morning, which means he didn't stop talking. A roast chicken dinner is nearly ready, and  as I haven't eaten since breakfast, it will go down a treat.

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