Some things don’t change

After packing, I dropped the bag off on PT’s next boat and headed up town with Stu on the tram. They have a strange system - the machines on the platform are out of operation and no one checks your ticket onboard. Maybe their transport system runs for free. Anyway, I visited the old area around Monistiraki where I’d last stayed 39 years ago. There’s a peculiar sad nostalgia that sweeps over you when you visit somewhere after such a gap; back when you were so young.
I leant on a wall and looked at the tourists coursing round the sights before strolling away and finding a little arty bar to sit in, there to meet Stu. Outside the heavens opened.
I then went to look at art at the contemporary art place before heading back to pick up the bags. A few hours to kill; a beer, a read, and then off on the X96 to the airport.

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