Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Afternoon Nap

A lie in for a change today as we were leaving the Serian camp and heading south to Lake Manyara and the Nagoragora crater. Said goodbye to everyone in the camp and particularly Tuba and Mdebie the drive and spotter we had had for the last three days. We still managed to see quite a few things on the way to the airport. Giraffe, mongoose vervet monkeys and impala
Had an 18 seater twin Otter to take us to Lake Manyara after a brief stop on the way to collect some fat Americans.
When we landed and were greeted by Mohamed who would be our driver and guide for the next 6 days. Not the best start though, as his company hadn't arranged lunch for us and was only providing 1L of water per day. This was solved with a few phone calls and we weren't delayed too much for our trip to Lake Manyara.
This is not like the safari we had been used to over the last 3 days. Here you have to stay on the roads that have been created in the park. As a result it felt like you were in a re-make of Jurassic Park.
Still we did manage to see a few things, lots of very nice butterflies and streams. More Giraffe that were out on the edge of the lake. Only problem was most of the things were too far away to photograph. There were some blue monkeys close to the road. There are so called due to their blue nuts that they take great delight in showing off. Well if you had blue nuts you would to.
We managed to see
Baboons, blue monkeys, mahogany trees, quinine trees, hornbill, bush buck and a snake eagle
Finished at the lake and went to our accommodation at the Plantation Lodge. Ok place but only full board so drinks are not provided.
Felt crap again with my exploding arse continuing. Seems like it might be the Malarone tablets that are causing it. Worst part is you can't just stop where you want in the park for a loo stop. Plan is to stop taking them as see if I feel any better I apart from J we don't seem to be getting bitten by mosquitoes

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