Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

J and the Turtle

Another days diving completed on a couple of the same spots as we did on the way down. Not the best diving in the world and no sea horses spotted. Last dive was better as we found a turtle. Hopefully some good photos of it and J.

Going for a long steam through the night tonight to get to the whale shark spot tomorrow. Hopefully we will see a few and get to go in the water with them

Dive 32
Isla Ildefonso - Punta
Start time 7.50
Max depth 28.7m
Dive time 65 min
Temp 28

Morning dive on the same site as we did on the way down. Meant to have been going through the archway but we seemed to miss that.
Spent the whole hour looking at sea fans for sea horses with no luck.
Lots of sea fans that made it look quite nice but nothing else.

Dive 33
Start time 11.36
Max depth 29.3m
Dive time 63 min
Temp 28

Another dive on the seamounts we did on the way down. Much the same with not much different to see. Spent a lot of the time looking for sea horses again with no luck.
An OK dive but nothing special. We did come off the seamount a bit later than the others and managed to find what we thought was the boat till it disappeared. Turns out it was the other waves boat and our was a bit further away. Never mind.

Dive 34
Start time 14.58
Max depth 26.2m
Dive time 62 min
Temp 28

Another new site but in the same location as the other two dives today. This time not far from the boat. Down onto a couple of seamounts in a horseshoe reef.
Had a good look around and the dive guide found another GoPro camera.
Nice dive site with lots of fish and empty scallop shells.
Saw a nice medium size turtle and managed to take a few photos of him. A few jewel morays as well as the normal fish.
Toward the end of the dive the guide started to head off the sea mount into a deeper and more boring part of the reef. Turns out he headed back to the dive boat. We stayed on the seamount and gradually worked out way up. Nice ending to the dive instead of a long swim.

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