Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

I've got my eye on you

Early start for our first days Gorilla trekking, we were woken up at 5am with coffee in the room. After breakfast we had a 45 minute drive to the main gorilla starting point where our driver sorted out which group of gorillas we were going to see. While this was going on we were treated to some African dancing.
Sam managed to get us in the group going to see Susa's group. This was one of the groups that Dian Fossey observed and is the largest group of gorillas with 3 silver backs. This involved another 2 hour drive to the starting point 45 minute of which was proper off road stuff through the local villages with all the kids waving and shouting Mzungu at us. Mzungu means rich white person.
We then had a 2 hour walk to find the gorillas. It started off through a bamboo forest but then turned into a proper jungle with waist high stinging nettles.
However the hours spent with the gorillas was worth all the effort to get there.
Saw 3 silver backs and a 6 week old baby. There were a couple of youngsters around. The group kept walking through the forest when we first met them so we stopped for a while to let them settle before walking up to them again. Amazing to see and the silver back just walked through the bamboo moving it out of his way leaving a hole in the forest for the others to follow.
Back to the lodge for dinner and a rest.

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