Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Bike Fair

A mild day for the Sunday bike ride. Slowly getting fast as I do the same route as two weeks ago. Only a few cyclists out though. Its out through Bush, down to Auchendinny. I am reminding myself not to stop for photos as my partner and I are going out in the afternoon.

I climb out from Auchendinney, then turn left on to the Top Gear road over Mount Lothian, then on to the Fallatoll road to get to the A703. On my way I pass a cyclist who appeared to have a mechanical. It turns out he was making minor adjustments to the rear derailleur.

Its down to Eddleston, then turn right on to the Meldons road. The rider  passed,passes me. I hold on to his wheel for a wee while, before he cycles off. At the top, he isn't that far in front of me, but I let it go.

On the A72, I head west. I see a cyclist in the distance, and I am slowly catching him up. I take the B road to Romannobridge, and I can see the cyclist in front is the same guy who zoomed off.

On the A701 I turn left, then right off the A road on to the Bogsbank road. Its a bit of a climb, but at the top,the road turns NE and the wind is behind me. The wind stays on my back as I cycle through West Linton. then its on to Deanfoot road. On the climb up from Whitfield, I catch and overtake the cyclist. (a brief yippee n my head). Then we both zoom across the moor road, and then zoom down to Penicuik.

The other cyclist is only going as far as Hillend, so I let him go, and take my own route home through Bush to Hillend and Fairmilehead. I get home before 1, giving me time for a shower before lunch. The route can been seen at Relive. 80.8km, just over 50.2 miles.

After lunch, my partner and I go down to Out of the Blue for a cycle fair. There wasn't as much as I thought there would be. My partner enquires about the Urban Arrow bike from Laid Back Bike. There a choice between this , and an e-bike with a trailer. As the cargo bike might not be used that much, it might be better just to buy an e-bike

There are several frame restorers and a couple of second hand bike shops there. My partner, and occasionally me, chat with friends / acquaintances. The blip shows a stall with vintage bikes. One of them even has wheels that have a wooden rim. I don't fancy doing 50 miles on them. No gears, and the brakes look decidedly dodgy.

After we visit the only charity shop that is open, then get some coffee and cake.

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