Jenkins Crag-Take 2

We were surprised to wake to sunshine, again so thought it would be a good opportunity to head back up Jenkins Crag and see what we should have seen on Sunday when it was too misty. The walk took us through Skelghyll wood and back down along the shore of Lake Windermere. There we were joined by the errant teens who were more keen to go to the pub for some food than they were to climb up a hill.
We wanted to take a couple of boats out but there weren't any available so someone had the bright idea of catching the open top bus to Windermere. £46 later we were sitting at the top of the bus, freezing our bits off. Even though the sun was still shining, it was like sitting in an icy wind tunnel. We went to buy dinner in Booths (Alfie and Eve's favourite shop) and caught the bus back home. 
The children have done a couple of hours revision while the grown ups rested our aching limbs and enjoyed a medicinal gin or 2.

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