
By angellightphoto


...where is he going with that title? I hear you ask, and what has it to do with this image?

Well, I have a bit of a passion for words and connections. Over the last few days, often in connection with the UK reverting to GMT, there have been some fabulous posts featuring the Latin tempus fugit, many explaining that the true translation is time flees not time flies. There is, of course, a good English word that should have been a clue, fugitive - someone who is fleeing from custody.

All of which brings me to my homophone. This is definitely a fly and not a flea!

The foregoing waffle being a decoy for my abject and pitiful lack of anything better to blip than a bluebottle (sorry Paula). Calliphora vomitoria is unpleasant in nature and accurately named in Latin.

We spent the morning in mud and cool drizzle at a car boot sale but, this afternoon, it brightened up considerably, so we went for a very pleasant stroll along the beach and up to Peveril Point.

As I write my commentary, the rain is pounding on the roof! Mixed weather seems to have become the norm...

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