The Blue Man

Here is Johnny this afternoon while on Moshi Monsters. Thought I would play a little more with the processing of can still see how long his lashes are in this shot!!! It's not fair!

Today we have had a proper "jammie" day (although the kids and us did get dressed I promise!). We haven't been out the house and just pottered around. The weather has been crap.

We have now got an appointment for Katie at Speech and Language Therapy, Thursday 6th December. She sturggles with pretty much the same sounds tht Johnny did. We have still got his little cards from when he went so Katie and I done a little bit of practice with these sounds tonight.

Megan has been busy all day with Lauren and we haven't really seen her!

Big Johnny made Granny and Papa their dinner as well as ours.....he just loves cooking a roast!

I have been trying to sort out our iTunes Match and iCloud!!!! Some of it is driving me a little crazy at the moment but I will get there in the end!! It will not beat me.



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