Something New

I have always admired the gorgeous, soft images created with a Lensbaby lens, especially with flowers.  It hasn't been on my radar personally, because I still have so much to learn about my current equipment.  When Osuzanna offered to loan me hers, I figured ... why not give it a try.  Suzanne has posted some fantastic Lensbaby photos.  I admire those  blips even more now!

I stayed around the house today, thinking I would get a flower shot in the yard, then take care of errands that are piling up.  The majority of cherry blossoms will be gone after the rain that is expected this weekend, so they seemed like the perfect subject.  Four hours later, I was still trying to get "the" shot.  It was a totally unrealistic goal.  I need to do some reading about this lens and practice, practice, practice.  But, it was so much fun.  I love the potential, and I am definitely going to add a Lensbaby to my wish list.

I want to thank you all for the kind support you showed for my Tree Swallow shot yesterday.  I truly appreciate it!

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