Reach for the sky

A few week ago, one day when I picked Dan up from work, he told me he'd applied for an audition at the Royal Northern College of Music. It's rare, almost unheard of, for him to get nervous about anything but it has kept cropping up in conversation since then. Last week, in Looe, he played his two audition pieces for two or three hours a day. I'd say he's taking it seriously.

Today, was the audition. His mum and her partner drove him in, with Abi along for the ride, and I met them at the RNCM. It all seemed to go OK; he was relaxed but not talkative when he came out so I went and fetched him a coffee and a little while later he told me a bit about the audition. It all seems to have gone OK. 

After that, I met up with the Minx for some belated birthday shopping for my Goddaughter, and then some lunch, before catching the train down to London. The idea had been that I'd meet Keith for a couple of beers in town but then he had a childminding crisis, so instead I headed out to Hampton. Christ, commuter time travel is miserable!

But after that it was all great: a pint at the Railway Bell, where I use to meet my aunt's partner for a drink, a visit to the off licence where I once worked (albeit under a different name*), and then home for a takeaway curry and the company of Keith's wonderful daughters, including my Goddaughter. 

*The off licence, not me.

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Reading: 'The Descent Of Man' - I have literally stopped reading!

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