As Grey As..

What a contrast from yesterday with the rain and wind today ( Ok thanks there Sian Lloyd , if we had wanted a weather resume we would have watched TV ) , it was so blue when I rode this stretch yesterday, yet today posessed all the vibrancy of an elephant's scrotum.

Didn't stop me getting out for a 12 mile cycle. It's the only way to get rid of the snot monsters, I couldn't face a day under the duvet with tissues and drugs. The wind does feel good in your hair when you are out there racing in the elements ( I say " racing " , we all know I was moving about as fast as aforemntioned elephant, but does anyone else get into the zone when they are running or cycling and get their head down and pretend they are winning a race ? Anyone ? Anyone at all ? Oh ok just me then.... ) .

Followed all that up with some Christmas shopping, we all know my thoughts on shopping but figured I should just bite the bullet and get on with it. I had tried online this morning but when I was looking up " Gifts for her " , I found a site that did gems like a set of soaps: one saying Face, the other saying Fanny. As if my Mum would want that!! She has a set already....

Now settled back in and cosy and baking Christmas cakes, the house smells divine and a little Christmas miracle has already occured.. all, yes every drop, of the alcohol has made it into the cake and none in my glass! Now that's magic *

Right need to get sorted for work tomorrow and I do believe I am going to circuits with Mr John afterwards. Bollocks. Whatever he blips about me being rubbish, it's not true ok !!

Best also get back to that cake

168 sleeps


*apologies for those left with an image of Paul Daniels for the rest of the evening...

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