I am grateful for ...

By shirleyray

Bunker the Gecko Hunter

Unlike yesterday, today I had many choices for my blip. I thought this one would be good for the Blip dog entry.

This is Bunker hunting geckos (which I thought were lizards, but our neighbor's 12 year old granddaughter said, "Actually, they are geckos.") They drive him crazy. He is constantly on the alert and diving into bushes.

We found each other at the Animal Foundation just over a year ago. His "prison" name was Todd, but since we are avid golfers, he was renamed Bunker. They told us he was three years old and we figured out that he is a jack russell, chihuahua mix.

He became my constant companion and therapy dog after having surgery a few months later. He was also a "there a pee" dog, but, knock on wood, that has been resolved.

He is quite the character and makes us laugh with his antics. We can't imagine life without him. We are grateful that we went looking for a new friend at just the right time.

I am tagging this for Silly Saturday as well. (Thank you admirer for keeping the fun in our lives.) The extra is another bit of silliness. This golf ball found it's way deep in our yard. The personal marking on it made me laugh. They had to "for-get-it-all" in trying to find it!

I am grateful that I have my blip up early. Now, I am going to go visit your journals. I am a bit behind.

Until tomorrow....

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