Cala Lilies

Pristine white lilies
Life is full of surprises
They're harboring bugs....

After a good wash, 
They look very elegant
On the hall table

And it's official. Peter has decided to enter UC Santa Barbara in the fall in a computer science major. His picture in the extras is pretty good proof of why he made this choice...

I asked him why he had decided on Santa Barbara, which has a reputation for being something of a party school, and his answer was that their computer science program was small and very hard to get into and they accepted him so he thought he should go there. Can't argue with that logic.

Three more (Claire) to go next year. It''s a pretty grueling process, deciding where to apply, writing essays for applications, waiting for decisions. I'm proud of all of them for persevering...and I'm so pleased that Peter is very happy with his choice.

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