My Bookstore Treasure.....

It was the last afternoon of our  Beaufort BlipMeet, the 3 of us were walking the streets and enjoying the sights and sounds .  There was a book store on the corner, specializing in old books.  All 3 of us love the  feel and smell of books, so we went inside.  We wandered in our own directions, Ooooooing over treasures we each found.
    Well.....  my Ooooooo  turned into a laugh of delight!  I found a tree, on the corner, of the last row I looked at.  It was a tree of a species I have bonsai'd....  an Acer Palmatum Maple, in all of it's fall glory of red leaves!   The proprietor said it wasn't for sale but I questioned a sticker on the bottom.  She looked, but said that wasn't a price tag.  I explained what kind of a tree it was, what I have done with them, how I love bonsai and my passion for the art.  We chatted for about 5 mins, I hinted that I would really love to have the tree and that I would have to shop further.  
    The owner asked me what the tree was worth, to me......
  I thought for a few seconds, and made an offer.   The owner said she would be quick, and accepted.  I was dancing around the floor, giggling like a young girl, thrilled with my latest treasure, found in Beaufort.

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