Monday Morning

Here they come!  Well, not all of them have opened yet, but it's a start.  AW has done it again!  They are my favourite blooms.  If I'm not mistaken, this one is part of the batch I bought in Delft post-summer last year.  I think this is the first multi-petalled tulip we've ever had.

Block 5 -- the last block -- has begun.  Went to work, worked, went back home.  That really sounds boring, but, believe me, I'm happy when the working day at work is not long, as it saves me some parking.  Of course I was prepared.  What is waiting to be done, though, is all the correction and marking for Block 4.  Unlike in the old curriculum and scheduling, when we had at least one week of 'lax time' to catch up with marks and some breathing space to prepare for the next, there's hardly any time these days, so many of us are tired and quietly frustrated and crabby and do our best not to bother each other.

Phoned the garage before I left for work and we decided that it was best if they were the ones who took a look at it, so they phoned the tow truck guys to drive it to Hoeven.  I trust our dealer with my life and they have kept all the check-up stats of our cars since we bought them.  The car will be brought to them tomorrow.  It looks like I'll be using AW's car the whole of this week.  It's also a KIA but larger, but hopefully not heavier.

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