
By RobBris50

The Bearpit

Mono Monday: Contrasts.

Commuters and the Homeless.

Walk to work this morning via The Bearpit. Unfortuanately, a couple of businesses have stopped trading due to many staff feeling unsafe. Very sad, let's see what the council comes up with now. 

It was sadly not difficult to notice the homeless person sleeping across the walk way this morning. Homelessness is becoming an increasing issue in the city, I counted too many homeless people this morning and stopped and chatted to a couple. Bought them some tea and something to eat, not really sure what else I can do. One explained that he needed £15 for a place in a hostel and the only way is he could raise the funds was to beg. Council officers then come along and  serve injunctions to stop the begging which then results in potential imprisonment. There has to be a better way....

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