Wine,Women & Song

By CelloNerd

Oh, the horror!

I had the pleasure of attending the first annual Bleedingham Horror Film Festival at the Pickford Theater. The event featured short (15 minutes or less) horror flicks from some of Bellingham's most talented, up and coming filmmakers.

Despite my utter wimpishness when it comes to the gory, frightening, and grotesque, I have always been drawn to the horror genre. I remember curling up under a blanket, shielded by a wall of colorful throw pillows, watching "Creature Feature" or "Chiller Theater", with all the room lights off, of course, for added terror.

Awards were issued at the end for best story, best script, best effects, best cinematography, and several other categories. Hundreds and hundreds of hours went into each entry. Kudos to each and every one of our local filmmakers and their talented, dedicated teams. And thanks to the Pickford Theater for providing such a wonderful venue.

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