A galaxy of wood anemones

I've decided that's the correct collective for these wonderful woodland harbingers of Spring.
As ever I'm a fan of the factoid, especially when it's me doing the learning. These glorious little flowers are a key indicator for ancient woodland as they roughly spread at just 6ft per 100 years. Here we often find it in the limestone pavement, probably from when there were fewer little white terrors and far more bio diversity.

A productive early start. All the weird little additional bits of travel sorted, along with a dog friendly hotel for Nan's funeral next week. Then the Enhanced Responder book finished and sent to the course tutor for approval. All before 10am.

Some more Admin, then I rewarded myself with a swim session to reset the brain - 1km in 30minites, but more importantly no stops (apart from my touch and go turns (no pushing off) as I can't do the rolypoly turns).
Arriving back home the reset clearly hadn't worked so 2 hours of planting out and turning over of veg plots. Always a risk here, but it's now or it'll be too late when I'm back.
Finally focused, online disaster planning cpd workshop completed, and an unexpected interview with the BBC regarding the amounts of litter they encountered on Scafell Pike during Sport Relief.

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