Now we have everything

By Gembop

First chestnuts of the season...

...make Gemma a very happy girl!

My blip pic today was going to be this, given Ikea was where we ended up spending far too long this afternoon, but finding chestnuts in the Tesco next door eased the pain slightly!

We actually whizzed around Ikea comparatively quickly (for me) but when I hit the checkout and realised I'd spent more than I'd intended- and more than the usual 20% 'ooh I need one of those' variance- I checked our receipt and saw we'd bought the wrong item. Despite showing table lamps on the display, the small boxes underneath held standard lamps at twice the price. So we had to take a ticket (reading: There are 38 people in front of you in the queue) and go through the returns rigmarole.

After all that they didn't have all the bits I wanted for Bump's room in stock so we're going to have to go back in the week. I've bought his books so determined to get his book ledge :) I did get a picture ledge for the living room and a load of frames for all our favourite bump and baby pics so far. We're going to turn into one of 'those' houses where you can't move for kids pics :)

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