Looks Like Rain .....Again

It (nearly) stayed dry when I was out walking the dog today  --  but it was better than the horrendous wind and rain overnight.

My attention was drawn to the moss on the fence post by the polo mint which was melting in the moisture - just a shame I didn't have a macro leans with me.

We got a surprise visit from Jo - somebody we have known since she was born.
She was on route to see her new niece but I think she dropped off to see us needing a shoulder to cry on.
She is step-mother to 2 young girls who spend half the time with their birth mother. However, the woman is a total nut job and it would appear she is being a bit violent to the girls as well as stirring the shit everywhere she can. She and her husband have been in touch with the school, their lawyer and the Social Work Dept and are getting nowhere. The school is siding with the one who shouts the loudest (literally), the lawyer just refers to the court 50/50 ruling and claims his hands are tied and the Social Work Dept would have appear to have learnt nothing from their failings which ended up with two women being jailed for the murder of their child and are trying to say that there needs to be permanent damage done to one of the girls before they can step in.

SWMBO gave a shoulder to cry on and I have given advice on how to progress with the Education Department and the police.
There will be no quick fix but hopefully the direction I have sent her on will get something done and without being pushed from pillar to post without knowing who it is that is doing the pushing.

Lunchtime walk and I was taking a couple of shots of a rusty door under the underpass when I was passed by  two cases of VPL. The worst being the saggy arsed jeans with the underwear being way above the level of the jeans.

Other shots were of the remains of a ball (nice and bright), moss covered burrs on a silver birch tree and some very small bracket fungus.

I did a wee bit of turning but neither piece really turned out as I hoped. Just as well I don't do it for a living.

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