I’m warning you!

We had a bit of a mission to get our train tickets from Tokyo to Nikko sorted - it turned out the train we needed was reserved seats only, so we had to find the place in the enormous station to do this - more queuing. But we made it and had a pleasant 2 hour ride through paddy fields till we reached the rain soaked mountains where we changed trains.

We got a bus to our hotel Natural Garden which took in our bags but said we had to come back later to check in. So we walked down for a mile or two to view the Sacred Bridge, then we went uphill to the Toshogu Shrine to a 17th century shogun. Mr C baulked at paying £8 each to get in, but it turned out to be one of the most stunning temple/shrine/pagoda complexes we’ve ever seen. Luckily I had my new camera as the detail on the buildings was so intricate.

I chose this chap who is guarding things. I’m sure my grandchildren will love him!

After a shop for some supper - so difficult to get any fruit or veg in the shops - we got a plastic tub of salad - we got checked in at the hotel. We are budget travellers so we have a tiny attic room which has a funny smell. I have had the window open but I can still smell the fustiness. but it is good to be in the countryside and we have a bus ticket which will take us into the NP where we hope to walk tomorrow.

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