West Wittering

I'd suggested to Rachel that we could go to West Wittering beach today, which is a fabulous sandy beach with sand dunes and miles of sand that's unusual on our Sussex coast, but we were unsure as the weather looked like it might change today.  However, we woke up to another glorious day so we decided to go.

It's an hour and a half drive, so by the time we were ready and had packed the car with all the beach stuff, it was about 11.45am  by the time we got there, but that was fine and although there were quite a lot of people there, it wasn't busy by any means.  We'd taken a packed lunch for the girls and I got some sandwiches from the cafe for us and we set up our pitch.  The only problem was that there was breeze coming off the sea and the girls felt cold, so I went to the cafe who sold beach stuff, and bought a wind break. Everyone had been doing the same and there was only about 4 left so I'd timed it well, and what a difference it made!

Scarlett and I went in the sea for a paddle and to collect shells and then Rachel and Violet joined us for a bit.  We then went to look at the beach huts, and the girls particularly liked the pink one!

We left at 3.45pm and it took nearly two hours to get home but it's been worth the journey, I love it there.  We stopped at McDonalds to get the girls a Happy meal which they ate in the car, and luckily we made it home without them going to sleep, so Rach got them ready for bed pretty soon after getting in.   Alan was mowing the grass and I got in the hot tub while she put the girls to bed, and then I ordered an Indian take away.

I'm so tired with all the driving that I've nodded off on the sofa tonight - great company I know, but I can't fight it, so I'm off to bed for an early night, not as early as Rach though, she's long gone!  It's great fun, but two little girls just wear you out!

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