Red Squirrel


Lawyer's Wig


Better known as the Shaggy Inkcap (Coprinus comatus). In this condition it's easy to see where the 'Lawyer's Wig' name comes from!

On Thursday at work, when 'D' told me the whereabouts of the Amanita Muscaria which I blipped on Friday, she'd also told me of some other nearby sites. She'd shown me shots she'd taken of a large area of Shaggy Inkcaps she'd found only about a week earlier around a mile from Poringland wood. Today she drew me a map of how to find them on a grassy area just inside a gate.
It was easy enough to find, but on arrival I was folorn - all I could see on that grassy area was a lot of daisies.
I had a close look around and suddenly spotted this one, lone specimen - all that's left from the large quantity 'D' had photographed just last week. At least I'd found one, albeit in a now rather declining state - but it's my first blip of one and I'm well pleased to have finally done it - I've wanted one of these for a long time. :D

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