Portland Silos

Portland is a small town 50 or so km west of Blackheath, once dependent on the cement works, which closed in 1991.
Despite many attempts to revive it and despite the beautiful country surrounding it, it remains rather sad.
I read that Guido Van Helten is painting the wheat silos, so took myself off there to check them out.
I was happy to see that he was at work, and since I had my long lens with me you can see him in extras.
I've also added  a long shot of the hoist he works on.

I'm not usually a fan of much street art, but the skill, the scale and the relevance of what he does sets him apart.
Apparently he spent a few weeks in Portland, getting to know the locals before he started working.

The link above is to his site, or you could quickly check him out on flickr.
He has work all over the world.

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