
......blips in a row!

Wow.....what a wonderful challenge it has been to find a blip every day. I have discovered that I much prefer outdoor photography to indoor and therefore my journal has mostly a 'Nature' theme. This was not intentional but just the way it has turned out which I guess is all part of the journey.
Although I enjoy the photography side of things, I just want to repeat what I said on my 300th blip, it is the people, yes you lovely lot, that make blip a very special place. I'm very lucky to have shared the last 12 months (well almost.......damn leap year) with some very lovely blippers and if it wasn't for your kind comments and encouragement I definitely would have given up before now!

So a HUGE thank you for all the views, comments, stars and hearts!

Special thanks to KateC for introducing me to Blipfoto and to the folks at Blip HQ who manage to keep the site functioning despite the pressures put upon it due to its popularity!

Have a great day
Liz xx

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