Paul's Big Year 2009

By paulr2009

Studying in the snow....nearly!

Well thank you to all who commented on my first entry. As you can see I am already slipping from my commitment to publish daily, however my promise is that there will be something against every day. I have to say that Thursday was a little intense and we had the pleasure of being led in our journey by Professor Jay Rao who has more energy than tigger on a case of red bull. The day ended in the bar with a nice cool beer and a game of pool. It was nice to walk across campus and get out of the exec education building.

So what does my picture mean today! I suppose it is all about paper is not dead, even though we are provided with a great online tool to get us through this process. I feel that I have went through reams and reams of paper already and we are not even into week 4. Also I am lucky to be provided with great accommodation over looking the forest. Even in the middle of the coldest winter Boston has had for years I really like having the door open to study.

As I am now in Friday I am looking forward to our Burns Celebration downtown at the Boston College Club. We have the pleasure of being joined by some great guests. So maybe tomorrow there will be a pic of me in my kilt.

Happy Friday to all of you.


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