East Coasting

By OzBeachcomber

Blowing in the wind

I have no idea what these flowers are but they are in my daughter's garden in Brisbane and are very pretty - a bit blurry though as they kept blowing in the breeze.
We've had a lovely couple of days in Brisbane and have only got home late this afternoon so I haven't had a chance to catch up on anyone's blips over the last few days but I will be soon. It was a bit of a spur of the moment trip this time - I saw on tv on Friday morning that Elaine Paige was performing in concert on Monday night only at the Qld Performing Arts Complex at South Bank in Brisbane and decided to check if there were any tickets left. There was, and so I quickly ordered a couple on line and got very excited. We were going to drive up on Monday, but then on Sunday afternoon we decided to go then and have a bit of extra time to see the kidz etc. The concert was really good and it was a lovely night out with a chance to dress up a bit and have a couple of drinks before the show - should do it more often - it's only about a three hour drive now with the new section of road work done. They are still working on another upgrade so that will make it even better! I managed to squeeze in a bit of retail therapy this morning before we left to0, so that was an extra bonus:)

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