Moon and Mist

We got an emergency babysitting SOS on Wednesday night from Brisbane (after only arriving back on Tuesday night from the Concert trip) - "could we please babysit Thursday"!! So we had to get up at 4.30 DST(real time 3.30am) to get organised to be in Brisbane by 7.30am so the parents could leave for work. This was taken just out of town as we we headed up the Pacific Highway about 5am - it was actually quite lovely as there was mist all over the sugar cane fields, the sun had just risen behind us in the east and the full moon was still high in the sky in the west. This is taken from the car window while we were doing about a 100 k's, and shows the mist, the moon and the crop of young cane in the fields (and a little bit of pink from the sunrise as well). We then had a very busy day keeping Mr 2 and Miss 5 occupied - it was quite a long day. The things you do.....
Clarence Peak in the early morning mist
I have added this shot as well as I couldn't decide between the two - it also shows a crop of very newly planted cane in the foreground.

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