Food Train

Returning home from work along the cycle path, I pass three statues - of Kirkpatrick Macmillan (inventor of the pedal cycle), JM Barrie (author of Peter Pan) and this lady, who is considerably less famous but who deserves to be better known.

Jean Mundell was a founder of the Food Train, which was a charity set up in 1995 to help housebound elderly people in Dumfries by bringing them their shopping and providing companionship as well. Jean devoted many years of her life to this charity until her death in 2006.

In 2002,  Scottish Executive funding allowed the scheme to expand across the region, and from 2008 in other regions of Scotland, too. It  now also runs other services including befriending, helping with making meals and an outreach library scheme. You can have a look at the Food Train website HERE.

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