However . ~ . ~

On removing the "Dead Centre"
 I spotted this, way down yonder. 
Had the X-Ray, results in "about a fortnight".
I was wheeled out to the car on account of the speed I wasn't hobbling at. 
SO - this gets me out of wandering/hobbling in search of a Blip.
Lunch'll be fun; scooting around on an "Office chair" is both MUCH more comfortable and faster.
Next problem in/out of shower before the old Oxters start to hum a tune.. 
Brainwave - there's a folding stool in the green house if I can get it back indoors and sit it on a protective old towel.
* ~ * ~ * ~ *
Another NEW word for the Spill Chucker:-
The armpit"
They don't seem very literate over yonder. Playing a word-game online, almost EVERY Scottish place name e.g. "Skye is not a word".

Note to self:-
Looks like all the past Pineapples I didn't take, on account of it looked like their centres had been cut out MIGHT have worked.

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