
By IrvingFlashman

Bye bye, baby brudda

Hopefully this won't be too soppy as I'm feeling quite jolly right now.
Sunday was a tense day for me because I spent most of the day counting down the hours and minutes until I had to say goodbye to my little brother before he goes off to live in Canada for a year.
A year, or eight months or so, may not be all that long but when it's your baby sibling its tough. It's strange to think next time I go home he won't be floating in, out and around the house and generally making a mess. Maybe I just won't go home for eight months so I won't have to face the reality haha.
I'm unsure of whether it is harder or easier that I live away from home for most of the year. I currently feel cheated that I get to spend very little time with him anyway and now he won't even be there when I do go home this year. (Remember this moment next June when I complain about his return and getting on my nerves haha)
Rich gave me a lovely big hug just before I left the house and I managed to hold my sobs in until I drove away. I'm rather embarrassed of my melodrama but seeing a little sibling fly the nest for the first time is a rather large step.

On a happy note I popped into Lydia's house to pick her up for the drive back to uni and really enjoyed being in her home. It feels very....homey. With people around, television on, chatting and joking. It was lovely. Also, they have a TORTOISE! A bloody tortoise! I am now convinced that one day I *must* own one and it will become my best friend. Along with my dog, that I will definitely certainly 100% without a doubt have.

Not sure how to end this...I have no idea if today was a good day or not. Time will tell.

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