A Walk Through Deb's Life

By debsthoughts

Me and My Shadow

I've been thinking lately that winter sucks. I've had enough of the extreme cold. I've decided that single digit high temps (F) for days on end, brings people the winter blues. Except for people like Paula, who love everything about winter. Paula is the second person I've met in the past few months who smiles when she talks about the 'diamonds in the snow' and how pretty her drive in to work was with everything covered in puffy white stuff. Paula never complains about the cold, she appreciates the moment, even the cold ones. Man I wish I could be more like the 'Paula's' of the world.

Today I awoke to the sun glowing brightly into my bedroom window. It was one of those times when you first open your eyes and are blinded temporarily by the brilliance of a winter morning low-in-the-sky sun. I rolled over to move away from the brightness and this sun-designed shadow was staring at me. I knew it should be today's blip. It's me sitting on the edge of my bed trying to be like Paula today, appreciating the moment.

I think the shadows of my bed post add interest and the thermostat shows a toasty 69 degrees.

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