Eye Spy

Glad for holidaying blippers, that the forecast rain didn't materialise today!
Big news of the day is receiving an email from the embassy inviting Danny and me to Madrid to celebrate the royal wedding on May 19th! The embassy are hosting a garden party and we've been invited because of Danny's prison work! So if we can get childcare we'll hop on a plane and go for the day! How exciting!!

Drama of the day;
Chasing a coffee cup along in a semi dramatic manner before it ended up in the sea. According to Danny it was entertaining from his perspective.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Friends over for tea!
2) Seeing Roma friends out and about...including a guy we've met through the Sunday services.
3) A chance to sit at the bottom of the lighthouse with Danny & a coffee. Have added an extra pic in of an impressive boat...see the same boat from the other side of the bay in Martin Dawe's extras!

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