Work Experience

The day started very well when I received a wonderful package from the generous HarlingDarling! Jan thankyou SO much...a beautiful peacock earring and some beautiful cards. It set my day off to a wonderful start! 
Nate and I were in and around the Port most of the morning & saw quite a lot of people. We bumped into & had coffee with our artist friend. She's going through a tough hard when people just don't get you and don't get what you're about. She did some gentle crying behind her sunglasses.
After that Nate and I wandered some more and bumped into Elia, one of the Roma women from Sundays. She was immediately SO open with me about stuff that's going on in her life and her family. We walked and talked for quite a while. And then later still we met up with Emma from 24-7 for coffee and a catch up. She has a friend who works for a backpack company who sell one bag and gift another to a worthy cause. Emma's friend has given us 10 fantastic backpacks to hand out to some of the homeless guys! Maya, for one, carries her stuff in paper and plastic bags, so I'm sure she'll be glad to get a decent bag. They look wonderful too!
In the afternoon the kids and I met up with Joha and Isabel, and with J's in-laws who are visiting. The kids were allowed to do the bubbles whilst the guy had a little break!
Then even later still I went out for tea with Chris and Amanda...we went to the gorgeous little Comida San Juan...delicious food at brilliant prices. Great company and conversation...and then ice cream and a walk back home along the tiny cobble lower streets of the Port.

Drama of the day;
Seeing a man with Nate's monkey, Vesuvius (Danny named him, ha!)... Apparently I'd dropped him somewhere and this guy had picked him up.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) People being willing to be open with me.
2) Walking and talking with Elia (who turns out to be Tchani's sister!!), such a privilege!
3) Jan's thoughtfulness!

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