Growing old disgracefully



A quiet day at home - at least it was once the Prof and I had made a trip to the dump with a lot of rubbish including an old shed door. They made these things to last; it took two of us to lift the beast. The reason we braved the trip in the squally rain was that we pick up our new car tomorrow and we fondly believe that we are going to turn over a new leaf and keep this one clean. Check back here in three weeks and see how well we have done.

More OU assignment stuff. I'm powering ahead though, now at Week 7 of a 10 week course. Missing having the time to visit and comment on all of your work and feeling a bit mean about that, but hope to get back to it soon. I am sure most of you know how to take an image like this, but if you don't and want to, happy to share the secret. I like how the fabric quality here - looks almost like a fabric buttonhole instead of the real thing, which kind of makes me wonder why...

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